Spent some time browsing OSC's Writing Lessons. Very interesting. For example, he says that how long a novel is isn't about plot, but about pacing. Very true, but I never thought about it like that before.
As I read blogs and such, I'm beginning to realize that most authors already have the whole basic story in their heads before they begin writing. And the last few days (or more like, this month), I've been trying to do just that. It's helping, but it takes time. Of course, writing things out without forethought and then having to rearrange or delete them later would take more time.
Day 21 (August 18) - Spent an hour and a half right after waking up trying to work out the plot tangles. It worked! I have up to the climax more or less under control, in my head, at least. The climax and resolution are still a little hazy, but I do have a general idea for them.
Last night I played lots of FFVII before going to bed. It took forever to beat Yuffie's dad, so finally I resorted to the strategy guide for tips. At night, I dreamed about Materia distribution among the characters and my character K from my novel having a limit break called God Limit. ^_^;;;
Spent the whole day doing non-writing related things and running errands in preparation to go to Taiwan. And then procrastinated a bunch. And after all that, finally got back to writing and worked seriously on my outline, with my new plot ideas in hand. Didn't quite finish. Got near the climax (i.e. hazy problem area) and went to bed at 3 a.m.
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