Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last week, I finally decided to take the plunge and make my story as historically accurate as possible. Though I'll have to do some rewriting to reflect revised ages and backgrounds for the characters, there are too many tasty historical coincidences, with just the right dates, not to take advantage of them. It's funny how close history was to what I had originally come up with.

Last Saturday I made this awesome Excel spreadsheet, taking in the birth and death dates of all 27 of Emperor Gomizunoo's children who survived infancy, their genders, as well as their mothers, color coded by rank. It's a very neat, very colorful spreadsheet. Extremely pleasing to look at. You can tell at a glance who was still alive in any given year.

This morning, I cleaned up the timeline of background events, matching it to historical people and dates. Also, I simplified the chain of past events and deleted a dead character (deceased grandmother) who would have required too much explanation. A very productive two hours today.


Jeff Skiles said...

Three cheers for historical details! And you can't ever go wrong with spreadsheets. You should totally put it in an appendix at the end.

lb said...

Ooo. i've actually become an excel fan recently as well... but no colored spreadsheets yet..