Saturday, October 30, 2010

I've failed pretty spectacularly at writing for the past month and a half. With NaNoWriMo coming up, I feel like I should get back on track. Even though November is perhaps a terrible time to do this, particularly as the semester wraps up and heads towards finals and papers in December. But you could say that about life, and never get around to writing.

So what I want to do in November is just one hour a day on my story. It's pretty impossible to do NaNoWriMo with classes, and I thought about doing a sort of half-NaNoWriMo where I halve the word count, but then, thinking how word counts have never done much for me in terms of productivity, I decided a timed goal would be more effective. One hour a day is manageable. I did one this morning to warm up, and yes, I think I can do it. I even resisted the temptation to open a mindless game, which is the usual bane of my writerly productivity.

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