Things I Think I Have Going for My Story:
-An overload of cultural details and information. I can write Japan way better than I can write America. Maybe because I don't write America. Or anywhere else, besides Vague Generic Unidentified Land.
-Plot. I do have a real plot with developments, and it might be kind of interesting. The progression is mostly logical, though perhaps not linked as well on paper as it is in my head.
Things That I Think Suck About My Story:
-The ending. I struggled so much with the last scene, and it's only the way it is now because I ran out of time to mess with it any longer. I'm sure I'll be embarrassed when I go back and read it. Lame.
-My writing. I am not a lyrical, poetic, or flowery writer. I suspect my style is "fanfic style," if there is such a thing. Direct and unadorned. Gets to the action, but doesn't really have any literary merit to speak of. I guess that's what I get for reading too much fanfiction and too little of other things.
-My man character is not developed enough. I spent most of my time trying to figure out my woman, since it's her POV.
-Information overload? I think I stuff too many ideas into my story, and not all of them are necessary. Some of this is probably information about Japan that I just wanted to stick in for the sake of having it there to educate my readers.
Anyways, there is so much wrong with my story, I can't wait to be ripped apart and shredded into tiny pieces (with some sugar coating, because the workshop folk are all nice people).