Friday, February 6, 2009


Morsels from my notes:

"K: She is a snarky, clever girl, but she has plenty of decency."
I love the word snarky. I love having a snarky character. I wish I were snarky.

As I struggle to figure out what the plot is:
"Plot? What plot?" (No, this is not that kind of story. Not at all. T_T)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chapter 3 (done!)

Waaah. I don't know. I feel like Chapter 3 wasn't quite up to standards. I revised a tiny bit more today and then sent it to my prof and my other reader, but I don't know. I feel bad for sending a sub-par product because I know it could be better, somehow, but I'm just so sick of looking at it and blabbing on and on about how I'm going to get Chapter 3 finished. It's time to pack up and move on. I need to figure out what the rest of the story is about. And along the way, maybe I can pick up some actual writing and storytelling skills so that the next time around, I can make everything make sense and sound good.

Picking up a recent, modern novel like Snow Crash has made me realize just how much my writing sucks. *deflates* T_T